Facebook Facebook related statuses

When your caring boyfriend/girlfriend puts you in their status cause they don’t care what their friend’s think.
I hate it when I write a sarcastic Facebook status and someone who doesn’t get it has to comment and ruin it.
That Awkward Moment When there’s nothing new on Tumblr, Facebook, or Twitter, so you just stare blankly at the screen switching tabs randomly.
If facebook were to crash, America would be full of people walking around towns across the country, talking to walls and poking people...
When someone likes your status that you shared about a week ago and you think to yourself, "They must stalk me."
Yes my status is about you, I was just hoping you got the hint.
Seeing a status update and wondering if it`s about you, but not having the courage to ask.
"How do I reply to that comment??.. Yeah I`ll just like it"
That one friend who is online at 4 am.
"Hey, i`ll be back in 5 minutes..."

In case I`m not... Just read the above sentence again." :)

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