Facebook Facebook related statuses

Like If : you hate when you get a notification, but it turns out to be pointless -_-
I made my Facebook status: "I kissed a girl"and then I liked it...
Sitting down real quick to check Facebook and Twitter...an hour later, I`m still there...
when a girl hacks a Facebook account "OMG hacked by Nicole LOVE YOU Bar".
when a guy hacks a Facebook account "I am gay!!"
Good hair day = New profile picture.
What is Facebook? A place where boy posts a joke there is no response ... but Girl posts same joke she get 95 likes, 35 comment, 15 friend requests..! Like if agree :P
Facebook; the only place where I can be married to my best friend, and have more than 20 siblings.
The awkward moment when someone deletes their comment on facebook and you look like you’re talking to yourself.
I`m busy "liking" everything on Facebook to counterbalance all the "unliking" I do in real life.
There`s a thin line between "I should make a status about that" and "I should talk to a therapist about that."

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