Facebook Facebook related statuses

LIKE IF:After you have accepted someone`s friend request, the first thing you do is look at their pictures.
Facebook should change it from "friends" to "people i`ve made eye contact with".
Life is like facebook. People will like your problems & comment, but no one will solve them because everyone`s busy updating theirs.
Facebook is like boys, once you understand them, they change.
That awkward moment when your gone for 2 weeks and expect to have like a ZILLION notifications but you end up only having like 3.
*Girls on Facebook* "Getting starbucks with jenny!" *2 minutes later...* *121 pictures and 5 videos uploaded!* ;D
Sunglasses: Allowing you to stare at people without getting caught. It`s like Facebook in real life.
That urge you get to write "No one gives a shit" on someone`s status.
Admit it, When you start to do your homework, you magically end up on Facebook.
Facebook is like a refrigerator. You get bored and keep checking, but nothing ever changes.

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