Facebook Facebook related statuses

If you`ve a problem, FACE it, don`t FACEBOOK it.
My Daily Needs : Food- ..........▀ 5% Water- ........▀ 1% Sleep-.......... ▀ 4% Facebook-.... ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 90%
Why don`t you go buy a diary Instead of posting your whole life story on Facebook?
Fridge full of food - Nothing to eat. Wardrobe full of clothes - Nothing to wear. Internet full of sites - only on Facebook/Twitter.
Log on to Facebook - Nothings new (I hate you).. Log on to Twitter - Overcapacity.. Log on to Facebook again (I love you)..
*Hot guy has accepted your friend request* Let the stalking begin.♥
That awkward moment when two people start a conversation on YOUR Facebook status.
There`s nothing special in this status, except..The person reading it.
If Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace all broke at the same time. we might have to actually get lives.
You should go to F a c e b o o k, and talk to a wall.

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