Facebook Facebook related statuses

Facebook needs a "Drama of the day" section in my news feed
That awkward moment when morons start every status with "That awkward moment" even when it ISN`T awkward.
getting married on facebook because it`s cheaper ....
All people on Facebook care about is craving attention
When I see an argument on Facebook I sit there refreshing the page saying "Oh this is going to be good"
Ending a Facebook conversation by liking the last comment...
If Facebook ever shut down you`ll see people roaming the streets shoving pictures in peoples faces screaming "Do you like this?! DO YOU?!"
Looking at Facebook comments you made over a year ago and thinking how could you possibly be that stupid.
Admit it, you should be doing something else important right now... but you came to facebook instead.
You ↗ You ↙ You → You ↓ You ↪ You ↫ You ↲ You ↯ You ↱ You ↶ and You ↴ LIKE my status please :)

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