Facebook Facebook related statuses

5 minutes and no likes? *deletes status*
Dear fourth grader on Facebook, how are you in a complicated relationship? Sincerely, what`d he do, steal your animal crackers?
Reading someone`s status and thinking `oh shut the hell up`
I hate it when my friends add my other friends, who they dont know!
That feeling of satisfaction when your comment gets more `likes` then the status.
That awkward moment when two people start a conversation on your facebook status.
That annoying moment when you post a funny status and there`s that one person who ruins it by sayin something serious -_-
Facebook should change it from `Friends` to `People you`ve made eye contact with`
That urge you get to write "No one gives a shit" on someone`s status.
Facebook is my friend. YouTube is my voice. Google is my brain.

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