Facebook Facebook related statuses

I don`t need to watch TNT for drama, I have Facebook.
your status is my status and my status is your status
Teacher: "What`s your favorite book?" Student: "Facebook."
Is it just me, or are 80% of the people in the “people you may know” feature on Facebook people that I do know, but I deliberately choose not to be friends with?
It`s raining outside. I should go update and alert all my friends on Facebook who don`t own a window.
That awkward moment when you say "Hey" to someone on facebook chat, and seconds later they sign out. How rude.
*Stalking crush on Facebook* * Accidentally likes status from 2009* *Deletes Facebook* *Sets computer on fire*
There is NEVER a valid reason to like your own status on Facebook!
Don`t assume my status are about you. But if you`re affected then that must mean you`re guilty of something! : )
LIKE IF:I`m on Twitter because my family is on Facebook.

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