Facebook Facebook related statuses

Facebook should allow you to automatically un-friend your Ex from all of your friends.
I log off because I`m bored.. I log back on again in 5 minutes because I`m bored.
No I don`t want a phone call officer. I`d like to update my Facebook status to "it`s complicated".
That annoying moment when you cant remember if you`ve checked this status or not.
When people post pictures with captions like `I`m ugly`...Pretty sure if you believed that you wouldn`t share that photo with all of Facebook. Just a thought.
I`m not addicted to Facebook. I only check statuses when I have time.. lunch time, break time, off time, this time, that time, any time, all the time
<----------------------DAMN THATS A SEXY NAME!
That awkward moment when people think your facebook status was about them.... It wasn`t...
FACEBOOK: Like if... TUMBLR: Reblog if... TWITTER: RT if... LIFE: Raise your hand if...
World population rank? 1) China. 2) India. 3) Facebook. 4) USA 5) Indonesia. 6) Brazil. 7) Twitter.

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