Facebook Facebook related statuses

Making a Facebook called "648,739,292 People", then liking someone status so they freak out.
Some people might as well post "wants attention" as their status
There`s no crying in Twitter, that`s why you have a Facebook account.
You unfriended me? Wow, you sure taught me a lesson.
How to freak someone out. 1. Find someone on facebook with the same name as you. 2. Steal their profile picture. 3. Poke them.
Facebook rule: If I’m not in it, don’t tag me in your photo.
Dear Facebook, I heard Twitter`s replacing you. Hell yeah, karma`s a b*tch! Sincerely, MySpace.
It’s too bad your funny status was ruined by your inability to spell.
I status to express. Not to impress.
My First FACEBOOK STATUS in 2013 will be . "IS ANYONE ALIVE ???"

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