Facebook Facebook related statuses

That one annoying relative who comments on everything you do on Facebook..
"I look so ugly" Then why did you upload 120 pictures in an album called.. "Me?"
*Stalks crush on Facebook*.... * Accidentally likes status from 2009*.... *Deletes Facebook*.... *Sets computer on fire*... *Leaves country*
*Browsing Facebook* *See`s bitchy status* 45 COMMENTS! *Gets popcorn*
There`s always that one idiot who ruins your whole status with a shitty comment.
The best nights are those when it never crosses your mind to update your Facebook status.
Don’t you hate when the person you’re Facebook-stalking never updates anything. :)
May your life one day be as awesome as you pretend it is on Facebook.
I wish Facebook would notify me when people deleted me, that way I could like it
I enjoy romantic scrolls up and down your timeline.

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