Facebook Clever statuses

Two things in life you have to take mental note of: don`t make any decisions when you`re
ANGRY. and Never make any promises when you`re HAPPY!
I’m feeling a little off today. Would you mind turning me on?
If you admit when you’re wrong then that counts as being right… so basically, I’m always right.
They say to dream big but did they say for how long?
^Think G R E E N.. i`m telling you-it`s the cleanest thought^ ")
I`m reading a book about anti-gravity. It`s impossible to put down.
People say that things happen for a reason. So when I hit you up side the head, remember I had a reason.
If being apathetic is wrong, then I don’t care.
Google “Chuck Norris” and then click I’m feeling lucky.
Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them….

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