Facebook Clever statuses

You can`t force people to stay in your life because Staying is a choice.
It`s more important to know where you`re going than to get there quickly.
If you can`t sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It`s the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep.
The secret to happiness is not in doing what one likes to do, but in liking what one has to do.
The biggest problem in life isn`t the problem itself, but how people act upon it.
Instead of focusing on what’s missing, learn to appreciate what’s there.
The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased. It can only be accepted.
Hope is wishing something would happen. Faith is believing something will happen. Courage is making something happen.
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down happy. They told me I didn`t understand the assignment. I told them they didn`t.
It is okay to care what people think about you, as long as they are the people that actually matter to you.

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