Facebook Clever statuses

If he can`t keep a conversation going, don`t expect him to be able to keep a relationship going.
Before you ask someone why they hate you, ask yourself why you even care.
Do just once what others say you can`t do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.♥
You`re leaving because it is easier to walk away than to fight for what you really want.
A pencil without an eraser is the same as a pen.
You`re not sorry because you did it. You`re sorry because you got caught.
People without visions, hopes, dreams, ambition, or desire to win will go out of their WAY to kill yours.
Sometimes, it takes a good fall to really know where we stand.
Pushing away doesn`t cause things to come together, all it causes is for things to be pushed away.
The happiest people with the biggest smiles are sometimes the best actors...

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