Facebook Clever statuses

If you ever get stuffed in a trunk, disconnect the backlight wires. When a cop pulls them over, kick the door so they know you are there.
Instead of going to dinner and a movie, go to the movie first and then dinner. This way at dinner you have something to talk about
Don`t know what to get someone for their birthday? Have them make three guesses of "what you got them." BOOM, three things he/she wants.
You can`t make right decisions all the time but you can learn from wrong ones every time.
The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.
Never get too attached to something that isn`t yours.
If Watermelon Exists Why Doesn’t Earthmelon, Firemelon And Airmelon?

The Elemelons.
There are two kinds of bitches who don`t say much: those who are quiet and those who talk a lot.
My mom says that everyone has a beautiful side. So I guess I’m a circle.
The word "literally" has literally been misused since the 17th century.

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