Facebook Did you know

The harder you concentrate on falling asleep, the less likely it will happen.
Did you know? A deck of cards must be shuffled at least 7 times to be sufficiently randomized.
If you sleep in a colder room, you`ll be more likely to have a bad dream
If you`re going for a run, the jog.fm app will select a music playlist for you based on your pace."
Did you know? A cat will almost never meow at another cat. Cats use this sound for humans.
Money isn`t made out of paper, it`s made out of cotton.
Did you know? If birds could sweat, they wouldn’t be able to fly
Your nose is connected to your memory center, which is why smells trigger some of the most powerful memories.
To save money, think of money as "hours of work" instead of just dollars.
Taking a quick nap after learning something new can solidify that memory in your brain

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