Facebook Did you know

Quick nap helps strengthen and boost your memory, taking a nap after learning something new actually stores it permanently in mind.
Left handed people are more creative and better artists.
Did you know? The word `slut` was originally meant for a woman who didn`t keep her room tidy.
Did you know? Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin.
Drinking chocolate milk has been proven to help relieve muscle soreness after a workout.
Whispering causes more damage to the vocal chords than speaking normally.
Did youu know? Couples who don’t have a TV in their bedroom have 50 percent more sex
Getting married at age 25 or older significantly decreases risk of divorce by over 60%.
Beat your alarm to wake up? Don`t go back to bed, you will feel worse.
The U.S. bought Alaska for 2 cents an acre from Russia.

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