Facebook Did you know

In 2011, a couple from Israel named their newborn baby girl "Like" after the Facebook feature.
Ignorant people are more likely to believe they are brilliant, while intelligent people are more likely to underestimate their abilities.
Studies revealed that on average, fans of Lil Wayne`s music have lower test scores than fans of Beethoven (who have some of the highest).
The melting temperature of bubble gum is 125 degrees Fahrenheit.
Soteriophobia is a word that describes a person who refuses to get too attached to people out of fear of being disappointed.
The most effective way to retain information is to study for 30-50 minutes at a time, with 10 minute breaks in between.
.....your intestine length can be equal to a kilometre.
.....your intestine length is can be equal to a kilometre.
Life Hack: While camping I strap a head lamp to a gallon jug of water to fill the entire tent with ambient light.
The tongue is the fastest healing part of the human body.

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