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e.g. = For example... i.e. = in other words
Need a boost of creativity? Try looking at something that`s blue! It`s a creativity-enhancing color.
When approaching a door, look for the hinges. If you see them, pull. If not, push. This will help you avoid some embarrassing moments!
Put some toilet paper inside the bowl. No splashing
When proofreading, read out loud to yourself. Your mouth will catch errors your mind might glance over
Don`t know whether to write "affect" or "effect"? Use "impact" instead.
If there are no wrinkles below the eyelid, the smile is fake
If you procrastinate, write up a list of rewards for yourself, put them in a jar and each time you finish a task draw one card.
You can remember the value of pi (3.1415926) by counting each word`s letters in "May I have a large container of coffee"
Safety tip: if you ever have to park in a city at night, park in front of a bank. Why? They`re lit up and have cameras everywhere.