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Not swinging your arms while you walk increases the effort of walking by 12%.
Contrary to popular belief, Einstein never failed math. In fact, by fifteen he had already mastered differential and integral calculus.
Ferrari engines are musically engineered to sound perfect by utilizing 3rd and 6th harmonics on the air intake, like a flute or organ.
People getting only 6 to 7 hours of sleep every night have a longer life expectancy than those who sleep 8 hours.
People who use a lot of swear words tend to be more honest and trustworthy, human behavioral studies suggest.
Your stomach begins to contract and produce juices as soon as you see or smell food.
Men would traditionally walk with a woman on his left arm, so his right hand could be free for his sword in case of a duel.
Mary Jane was actually killed by SpidermanÍs radioactive semen in the comics.
Laughter increases the activity of antibodies by about 20%, helping to destroy viruses and tumor cells.
More than 50% of adults surveyed said that children should not be paid money for getting good grads in school.

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