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Violence has steadily declined over the course of human history, and we are currently in the midst of the most peaceful era yet.
Hot water will freeze faster than cold water.
Men believe brunettes make better wives and girlfriends than blondes, according to a study.
Drink a glass of ice cold water as soon as you wake up. It will boost your metabolism by up to 25%.
When men don`t masturbate for 7 days, their testosterone levels increase by 45.7%
Friday and Saturday flights are 30% more expensive than flights with Monday to Thursday departures.
The best way to tell if you have bad breath is to lick your wrist, let you saliva dry, and then smell it.
Eminem used to spend many hours at night studying the dictionary so he could expand his vocabulary for the rhymes.
You will learn something new every day if you pay attention.
When someone tickles you, your laughter is actually a sign of panic, anxiety and nervousness