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Sitting in the back of a plane makes you 40% more likely to survive a crash. #DIDyouKNOW
#TIP If you`re taking notes for class on a computer, write in a weird font. It will help you remember the information better.
Experts say, listening to music reduces muscle tension in our neck, shoulders, stomach and back.
#TIP Always check your cell signal when looking for new apartments or dorms to live in.
You will learn something new every day if you pay attention.
Get a small pan and fill with water. Add some vanilla extract and cinnamon and put on the stove. Your house will smell like a bakery! #TIP
If you`re having trouble falling asleep, count backwards from 99. Most times you`ll fall asleep before even getting to 50. #LIFETIP
If youre shopping, notice the top and bottom shelves are the cheapest compared to whats at eye level.
When a person cries and the first drop comes from the right eye, it`s happiness. Left eye, pain. Both, frustration.
When a person laughs too much, even on stupid things, that person is sad deep inside. When a person sleeps a lot, that person is lonely.

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