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A red blood cell can travel around your entire body and get back to where it started in less than 20 seconds.
The hair on a polar bear is not white, but clear. They reflect light, so they appear white.
Loving someone and being loved in return makes wounds heal faster, due to the release of oxytocin in the blood.
85% of people have experienced a dream so real that they were not sure if it happened in real life or not.
According to a survey, women are 3 times more attracted to a man wearing a suit and tie than shorts and a t-shirt.
When you hear ringing inside your ears, It`s your brain trying to repair itself... And failing.
People with brown eyes actually have blue eyes underneath the brown pigment.
If you sleep on your right side you will fall asleep faster than sleeping on your left side.
Mount Olympus on Mars is the highest mountain in the solar system. It is 14 miles high and 388 miles wide
Wetting a paper towel, if there is no tissue around, will make the nose blowing experience less rough.

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