Facebook Did you know

The human body is actually better suited for 2 four-hour sleep cycles instead of 1 eight-hour session.
People who stay up later at night are likely to be more intelligent than those who go to bed early.
Cuddling literally warms and protects the heart. It`s also highly efficient at reducing the effects of stress.
Honey is the only food that will not rot. A jar of honey may remain edible for over 3000 years..
The color you see in perfect darkness is actually "Dark Gray" not black and it is called "Eigengrau".
A male’s testicles hang at different lengths so they don’t damage each other or collide when running/sitting.
A person usually makes a lot of hand gestures when telling a true story. When telling a #lie a person`s hands will stay noticeably still.
Having sarcastic friends will make you more creative. Sarcasm is considered a brain stimulant.
When shopping, the cheapest items will be on the top and bottom shelves; not eye level.
People who are angry with each other for the silly little things, are usually the ones who care about each other the most.

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