Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

The awkward moment when wikipedia has copied your homework.
That awkward eye contact with somebody who used to mean the world to you.
That awkward moment when your friends are talking to someone you hate and you`re standing there like... -.-
That awkward moment when you`re not sure if something is your actual memory or if your brain made it up.
That awkward moment when someone is talking to you and you can`t remember their name.
That awkward moment when you forget how to spell a really easy word.
That awkward moment when you text somebody and they text back "Who is this?"
That awkward moment when your parents act more immature than you in an argument.
That awkward moment when you have to pee badly but are way too lazy to get up, so just sit there enduring the pain.
That awkward moment when you sit on the remote control and get freaked out because you think a ghost has just turned on the TV.

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