Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when your left with a friend of a friend, and there`s silence until the other friend returns.
The awkward moment when a GPS tells a gay guy to go strait
Sex scene on TV + Parents in same room + No sign of remote = Awkward Atmosphere :)
That awkward moment when you spell the word correctly but it just looks so wrong, so you just stare at it forever.
That Awkward moment when teacher Cracks a joke and Nobody Laughs
Dear Mobile phone, thank you for being there when I`m in awkward situations.
The awkward moment when you wave at someone who wasn`t waving at you.
That awkward moment when you get off the bus and start dancing, then realize that everyone is watching you out the window...
That akward moment when your late to class and everyone stares at you like you killed someone
That awkward moment when you`re singing happy birthday and everyone says a different name.

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