Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

The awkward moment you`re trying to get over someone you were never dating.
That awkward moment when you finally take a decent picture and then as you continue to stare, it gets uglier.
That awkward moment when you accidentally make eye contact with someone like 5 times.
The awkward moment when your parents take your joke completely seriously & you end up getting in trouble
That awkward moment when you yawn & your eyes get teary, then people ask you why your crying.
That awkward moment when someone skinnier than you says "I`m so fat." and you stand there like. -__-
That awkward moment when people think they`re funny, but they`re just annoying. -.-
The awkward moment when u are having a conversation in your head & u realize u are making faces that go along with the silent conversation.
That awkward moment when someone you hate thinks their opinions are valid.
That awkward moment when Eminem is eating M&M`s...Flo-Rida is in Florida... and 50 Cents has 2 quarters.

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