Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That Awkward moment when you catch yourself singing a song you realy hate
-Charles Junior
That awkward moment when a package says "Easy open" & you end up using scissors, knife, hammer, gun & a lightsaber trying to open it.
That awkward moment when you go for a handshake and they go for a hug.
The awkward moment you realize they were nice to you because they wanted something.
That awkward moment when the bathroom is silent except for the sound of your pee and you hope the person washing their hands isn’t listening
That awkward moment when you touch something and it feels weird as hell
The incredibly awkward moment when someone changes their Relationship Status to Married...and they`re 13 years old -_-
That awkward moment when you have to make up an excuse not to hang out with someone, because you`d rather chill at home.
That awkward moment when you try to scare someone and it doesn`t work.
The awkward moment when someone doesn`t understand your amazing sense of humor.

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