Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward run you do when a car lets you cross the street.
That awkward moment when you say sorry to a nonliving object.
The awkward moment when Justin Bieber`s ENTIRE childhood was recorded and I can`t even find a video of my 1st birthday.
That awkward moment when you think the teacher is looking at you but really shes looking at the person behind.
That awkward moment when no one knows the words to the Macarena.
Awkward eye contact with people in cars next to you at red lights.
The awkward moment when people text you first and then don`t keep the conversation going.
The awkwardness of standing in an elevator with strangers o_O
That awkward moment when you`re all excited about opening a present, and when you open it, it sucks.. :/
That awkward moment when you`re trying not to look when someone is staring at you.

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