Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That Awkward Moment when you put your wallet back in your jeans before getting your change.
That awkward moment when you spell a word so wrong even autocorrect can`t figure out what you meant.
The awkward moment when you try to scare someone and it doesn`t work.
That awkward moment when you find out the tooth-fairy isn`t real at the at&t store.
That awkward moment when you see your crush kissing someone in front of you.
That awkward moment when you accidentally answer a call you were trying to ignore.
That awkward moment when someone tells you your zipper is open.
That awkward moment when you are trapped in the corner of your shower because the cold water is running.
That awkward moment when you talk to yourself and you start smiling like an idiot because you`re just so hilarious.
That awkward moment, when you wake up with one sock on.

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