Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when you walk out of your bedroom in your pajamas and there`s a guest in your house.
That awkward moment when you realize someone was nice to you, just because they wanted something.
That awkward moment when someone you deleted off Facebook tries to add you again.
That awkward moment when someone sees you with a girl and they automatically think you got a "girlfriend"
The awkward moment when an old person says something not funny, but then laughs, so you have to laugh along...
That awkward moment when you drink a coke and burp out loud and feel a tingle in your nose
That awkward moment when you`re so hot, you have to stalk your own profile.
That awkward moment you tell somebody you love them and they go offline... :(
That awkward moment when your parents start to sing dynamite in the car.
That awkward moment when you realize you`re falling in love and you`re like: Oh crap!

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