Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when your friend in with you and you are being screamed are by you parents and they are like, "OOOOOO, your in trouble." and your like "Shut up and go home."
The awkward moment when your screen freezes on an embarrassing website.
That awkward moment when you know the full lyrics of over 100 songs, but can`t answer 10 questions of your test.
If you really wanna make your friend feel awkward, wait for a quiet moment, then say: "Did you really just think that in your head?"
That awkward moment when you’re walking out of a room like a model and your bag hooks on the door handle.
That awkward moment, where theres an awkward moment, and everyone knows it`s an awkward moment, then somebody says, "AWWWKKKKWAAARRDD!"
That awkward moment when something wasn`t awkward until someone said it was..
That awkward moment when your teacher says you can work with a partner & you look at your friend,but your friend is looking at someone else
That awkward moment when any random part of your body cracks on a silent situation.
That awkward moment when you type "Hoe" Instead of "How"

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