Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

The awkward moment when your crush gives you advise on who you should go out with :/
That awkward moment when a sentence doesn`t end the way you think it octopus.
That awkward penguin run you do when you have a backpack on.
The awkward moment when you accept a compliment that wasn`t meant for you.
That awkward moment when you forget how to spell an easy word.
That awkward moment when you try to scare someone and it doesn`t work.
That awkward moment when you punch someone and you get more hurt than the person you just punched.
Awkward moment when you daydream for so long that you`re friends left you there ( ._.)
That awkward moment when someone steals your status, and gets more likes than you.
That awkward moment when someone tells you to stop apologizing and you reply by saying, ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€

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