Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when no one else is laughing, except for you and you can’t stop.
That awkward moment when a teacher`s yelling at your friend & the class is all serious & you`re about to burst out laughing.
That awkward little dance your thumbs does when you don`t know how to reply to someones text.
That awkward moment when you catch someone`s eye when they`re picking their nose.
The awkward moment when you tweet something & then you remember a family member is following you...
That awkward moment when you wake up pissed at someone because of something they did in a dream.
That awkward moment when a bitch call you bitch.
That Awkward moment when you turn sexy in a ugly place
The awkward moment when someone you hate thinks their opinion is valid.
saying something, then realizing it sounded extremely sexual.

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