Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when you walk the wrong way so you pat your pockets and act like you forgot something.
The awkward moment when you`re waiting for a text but then you realize you`re the one who didn`t reply.
Those awkward forced car conversations with your friend`s parents.
That awkward moment when you`re left alone with someone you just met.
That awkward moment when you laugh so hard, your eyes water and people think you`re crying.
That awkward moment when you’re not sure if something is your actual memory or if your brain made it up.
That awkward moment when you realize every house has a particular smell, but you can`t even smell the one at your house.
That awkward moment when a sentence doesn`t end the way you think it octopus.
That awkward moment when your mom sits down next to you while you`re on the computer and you are like (`-`) (._. ) (· - ·) ( ._.) ( ` -`)
That awkward moment when you watch a movie from your childhood, & finally understand all the “dirty” jokes.

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