Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when you`re trying to end a conversation and the other person won`t stop talking.
That awkward moment when you realize every house has a particular smell, but you can’t smell the one at your house.
Thad awkward moment when someone say "Happy Birthday" to you and you say it back
That awkward moment when someone you deleted from Facebook tries to add you again.
That awkward moment when you realize you probably shouldn`t have told someone something.
That awkward moment when there`s a hair in your mouth and you can`t find it so you`re just grabbing your tongue, in public.
That awkward moment when someone`s voice doesn`t match their appearance.
That awkward moment when you sing the wrong part of a song with confidence. . .
That awkward moment when someone asks "So tell me more about yourself" ...umm...damit, WHO AM I!?
That awkward moment when you finish a TV series and don`t know what to do with your life anymore.

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