Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment, when your chair makes a farting noise, and everyone thinks it was you, then you try to make the noise again but can`t!
That awkward moment when you wake up from a nap and have no idea what day, month, or year it is ...
The awkward moment when you say `hi` to a kid, and they just stare at you.
That Awkward Moment when the ticket taker at the theater says, "enjoy the movie", and you say, "you too."
That awkward moment when you`re answering an exam and the answer is so obvious you actually doubt yourself .
That awkward moment when the awkward moment becomes more awkward.
That awkward moment when you don`t remember how to set your alarm clock anymore.
Whats more awkward, answering Dora, or sitting in silence while she stares at you?
That awkward moment when you`re reading someone`s shirt & it looks like you`re looking at their boobs.
That awkward moment when you hold the door open for someone then suddenly everybody in the building decides to go out.

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