Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when you spell the word correctly but it just looks so wrong, so you just stare at it forever.
The awkward moment when you`re going to high five someone but miss and grab their ass.... :)
Pizza guy: "Enjoy your pizza" ... Me: "You too!" ... Pizza guy: ". . . ." ... Me *closes door awkwardly*
It`s pretty awkward when you pick up a hitchhiker and neither of you can decide who is going to try to murder who first.
That awkward moment when you`re in an argument with a little kid, and they seem to be winning...
That awkward moment when someone`s sad and you don`t know what to say or do to cheer them up.
That awkward moment when you`re trying to ignore a call and accidentally answer it.
That awkward moment, where theres an awkward moment, and everyone knows it`s an awkward moment, then somebody says: "AWWWKKKKWAAARRDD!!!".
That awkward moment when you`re laughing at a joke and then you realize.. its about you.
That awkward moment when you accidentally click on Internet Explorer & you have to wait for it to load so you can close it again.

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