Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when you accidentally answer a call you meant to ignore.
That awkward moment when you don`t know how to reply to a really sweet text.
That awkward moment when you`ve already said “what?” three times and still have no idea what the person said, so you just nod and smile.
That awkward moment when you turn the page and realize that you have no idea what you just read.
That awkward moment when you and your teacher go into the bathroom at the same time.
That awkward moment when a little kid is prettier than you are…
That awkward moment when your parents try to be cool in front of your friends.
The awkward moment when you realize in the movie "2012" the 1st thing that flooded was New York and now it is 2012 and New York was flooding..
That awkward moment when someone’s voice doesn’t match their appearance
That awkward moment when a fat person says "Thats how I roll".

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