Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when your friends make plans right in front of you, and the plans don`t include you.
That awkward moment when you look inside your pocket, and it`s not full of sunshine.
That awkward moment when you don`t know how to smile when someone is taking a picture.
That awkward moment when you’re watching Home Alone 2 wondering how child services haven’t taken him away from his parents yet.
That awkward moment when you realize you probably shouldn’t have told someone something.
That moment when you really want to be friends with someone. BUT YOU’RE TOO DAMN SOCIALLY AWKWARD.
That awkward moment where your teacher moves you away from your friend. . .next to the weirdest person in the class.
That awkward moment when you’re so hungry that you can’t make a conscious decision about what to eat.
That awkward moment when girls act dumb and think it`s cute.
That awkward moment when you put something in a safe place and then forget where the safe place is.

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