Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when you don`t have any friends in your class and the teacher says, "Find a partner!"
That awkward moment when you leave a store without buying anything and all you can think is “act natural, you’re innocent”.
That awkward moment when you`ve been raising your hand for so long it starts to take that HEIL HITLER angle at the teacher...
The awkward moment when you finally take a decent picture and then as you continue to stare at it, it gets uglier.
That awkward moment when Voldemort tries to put on glasses.
That awkward moment when someone is wearing more makeup than clothes.
The awkward moment when you have a sleepover and you realize you're in the same bed as your friend.
That awkward moment when pillow fights turn into a fight to the death.
That Awkward moment when you find a hair in your food ..
The awkward moment when the automatic toilets flushes before you are done.

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