Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when you realize you probably shouldn`t have told someone something..
That Awkward Moment when you`re naked, trying to get dressed and your pet is staring at you.
Awkwardly flushing the toilet when everyone else is sleeping.
That awkward moment when you get caught staring at an attractive person.
That awkward moment when somebody is doing dishes and you slowly put another dish in the sink.
That awkward moment when your whisper is louder than your normal voice.
That awkward moment when you get caught staring at an attractive person….
That awkward moment when someone says "Hello" and you reply, "Good thanks"
That awkward moment when you go for a fist bump and the other person goes for a high five...
That awkward moment when you take mini naps in between texts when you`re laying in bed late at night.

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