Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

The awkward moment when your boyfriend texts you this and your mother reads it..
That awkward moment when your friends say something bad in front of your parents.
That awkward moment when you try to give someone advice and you realize what you`re saying has NOTHING to do with their problem.
That awkward moment when someone knows you, but you don’t know them...
That awkward moment when you have no drink left, but you still take a sip for something to do.
That awkward moment when you`re supposed to be cleaning your room and you put on music and it turns into a dance party for one.
That awkward moment when you change your facebook status to “single” and your ex likes it.
That awkward moment when your grandma has more facebook friends than you.
That awkward moment of shame when an automatic door doesn’t open for you.
That awkward moment when you realize that no one is listening to you when you have a really good story. :-(

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