Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when you realize that you texted the wrong person.
That awkward moment when you hidden something from someone, next you don`t found it there!.
That awkward moment when someone compliments you and you`re torn between saying, "thank you" and "I know."
That awkward moment when you hold the door open for the person behind you, then end up holding it for the next 100 people.
That awkward moment when you are paying for someone & you can`t find your money.
That awkward moment when you walk into your classroom and everyone looks at you like you`re in trouble.
That awkward moment when you make a Harry Potter reference and none of your Muggle friends get it.
That awkward moment when you call your teacher mum.
That awkward moment when you forget how to spell a really easy word
The awkward moment when someone buys you a present and you have to pretend you like it.

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