Facebook Awkward statuses for facebook

That awkward moment when you see that your friends have done something without you.
That awkward moment when your mood swings more than a kid at recess.
That awkward moment when Kim Kardashian`s un-born child is already more famous than you.
That awkward moment when everyone has to wait for the party to start because Kesha`s late.
That awkward moment when the teacher asks for volunteers, and you accidentally make eye contact.
That awkward moment when you type out an elaborate response to a crush, then erase it and send `haha` instead.
That awkward moment when you`re taking notes, and the teacher switches between slides too fast.
That awkward moment when someone tells you to get a life, when you pretty clearly already have one. Otherwise, you would be dead.
You haven`t experienced awkward until you try to tickle someone who isn`t ticklish.
That awkward moment of preparation before stepping on the escalator.

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