Facebook Love statuses

He`s the king of mixed signals, and I`m the queen of second thoughts.
That awkward moment when someone yells at you for clicking a pen but you have to click it one more time to use it.
Just because someone broke your heart does not mean that someone else cannot repair it.
Boy: What do you want to talk about? Girl: Everything. Boy: Ok, we`ll talk about you. Girl: Why me? Boy: Because you`re my everything.
A good morning text does not only mean "Good morning". It has a silent, loving message that says..."I think of you when I wake up."
Love is sweet when it’s new, but sweeter when it’s true.
We are like dominoes. I fall for you, you fall for another.
A great relationship isn`t when perfect couple comes together, but imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.
It`s like I gave you a key to my heart, but you lost it & you kept making copies, but now, I`ve changed the lock.
So many times I think about the wonderful difference you`ve made in my life.

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