Facebook Love statuses

For you, I was just a chapter. But for me, you were the whole book.
I deserve so much more for the sacrifices I have made, but I have learned life is not fair and neither is love.
Don’t ever hide your feelings. Because someone’s willing to hear them.
Let`s just stay friends = Let`s never talk again.
I don`t care about your words ` I ♥ you ` But I JUST NEED THE PROOF THAT YOU ♥ ME :)
LIKE IF: love? I forgot the meaning of it very long ago.
-Memz Alemdar
It`s funny how someone can break your heart, and you can still love them with all the broken pieces.
I don`t believe in love at first sight. It means your falling in love with someones appearence, and not their personality.
relationships are like a mirror, if you dont take care they can break easily...
Any man can love a thousand women,but a good man loves one woman a thousand ways <3

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