Facebook Love statuses
Just love her endlessly, it`s all she wants
If you`re mine, you`re only mine. I don`t share.
There may be a million things to smile about, but you`re definitely my favorite one.
Don`t ever leave the one you love for the one you like, because the one you like will leave you for the one they love.
It`s difficult for me to love someone, but when I do, I do it with all my heart.
The problem with being "just friends" is I have to watch you be with someone who doesn`t deserve you when I could do so much better.
"I love you" and "I`m in love with you" are two different things.
That one crush that never really goes away.
Every girl is beautiful, it just takes the right guy to see it.
When you`re in a relationship , you should be proud to say "thats my baby