Facebook Love statuses

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Never recycle a past relationship. Because if it didn`t work out before, what makes you think it would this time?
I wish I knew what I was getting into before I started to care this much.
Falling for you☑ Losing you☑ Crying over you☑ Getting over you☐
If I could re-arrange the alphabet I`d put "u" and "i" together, wait... thats already on the keyboard :)
If Someone Waits For U it Dosnt Mean that they Have Nothing Else To Do., It Just Means That Nothing Else is More Important Than U ♥!
*On Chat* Girl:How much do u like me? *no response* *1hr later* Girl:R u there? Guy:O sorry i was typeing a really long number!
True love isn`t love at first sight but love at every sight.
"U really love her, don`t you?" a psychological question,no name was mentioned but suddenly,someone came into your mind ♥
When u really love someone, age, distance, height, weight.. is just a damn number ♥