Facebook Love statuses
The deeper you love someone, the greater power they have to hurt you. So love wisely.
The hardest thing in life is watching someone you love , loving your bestfriend.
What’s the biggest challenge in love? It’s when others try to steal your partner, but still your partner always choose to stay with you.
You know what takes real courage? Telling someone you love them and expect nothing in return, not even love.
They say: not all single are available. How about: not all taken are in love?
Sometimes you don`t want to fall in love but your heart doesn`t ask your permission.
Being in LOVE is like Being DRUNK. No control over what U do
Love is the same for a poor man, and a king.
I only want to be with you twice...now, and forever.
A smile does a good make up in a relationship, but a kiss does even better