Facebook Like if statuses

Like if you wanna make me smile! :)
LIKE if you`re always that one person who is still laughing when everybody else has stopped...
LIKE IF: When I was younger I drew the sun in the corner of the paper.
Did you know? Its impossible to say "Good Eye Might" without sounding Australian? LIKE if you tried :)
Like if you miss the old time especially childhood :) !
LIKE IF you hate it when you`re about to sleep and a horror scene flashs in your head?
LIKE IF you Re-reading old text messages because they make me smile.
LIKE IF:Brushing your teeth like crazy before you go to the dentist.
LIKE IF: When someone tells you not to do something, it makes you wanna do it more.
LIKE IF: Covering your eyes during scary movies. But watching it through your fingers.

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